The 8051 Workbench provides a unified interface to a series of user-replaceable programs, including an assembler (A51.EXE), simulator (8051SIM.EXE), delay-loop calculator (8051DLY.EXE), downloader (HEXLOAD.EXE), and serial terminal (TERM.EXE).
Note 1: 8051 Workbench must be installed in a directory which has only "8.3" names (no spaces or names longer than 8 characters) in any subdirectories in its path. Directory C:\8051 is recommended.
Note 2: If 8051 Workbench fails to execute when you first install it, the reason may be that the program cannot find your editor. As initially installed, the file WORKBNCH.INI contains the lines:
editor = c:\windows\notepad.exe
which assumes that your editor is Notepad, and its path is c:\windows\notepad.exe. You may have to edit this file and change the path to Notepad, or another editor of your choice, before 8051 Workbench can open.